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What make us better ?

Few Points To Consider

No Central Processing Unit

Companies have developed Home Automation (HA) systems for convenient control over electrical appliances, but their high cost, implementation difficulties, and technological limitations have limited their use to top echelon home builders. Existing HA technologies require complex connections between end units and a Central Processing Unit, which affects the price, installation, usage simplicity, and system functionality. However, igh technology eliminates the need for a Central Processing Unit, resulting in a reliable and affordable HA system. With automatic activation and control of electrical appliances combined with environmental sensors, igh liberates the user from manual control and enables significant energy savings of approximately 30%, making it the only proper response for the mass market.

Intelligent energy saving

IGH is not only an advanced control system but it’s also a comprehensive energy management system that creates up to 30% savings in electricity costs without changing user’s behavior or lifestyle. liberates the user from the duty of turning them off and therefore enables significant energy savng.

  • Unique measurement capabilities - Embedded power meter within any igh switch.

  • Real-time event handler - Automated scenarios operator in accordance with occurred events.

  • Real-time location handler - Operating scenarios according to selected GPS position


Quick & simple installation

Due to the decentralized technology, the igh system quickly integrates in any structure at any stage and converts it into automated green environment.

  • Straightforward installation - The igh switches are a direct exchange with a standard wall switch, using existing electrical infrastructure.

  • Large scale areas - Multiple ethernet gateways solution allow to link large area and overcome RF range limitations.

  • Modularity - Each igh switch is autonomous and operates independently, therefore the igh system is extensible and transferable.

  • Easy configuration - System setup done completely via igh APP and keeps the installation simple.

A friendly and intuitive App

Supports iPhone, iPad and Android. The System is fully controlled through the different apps by the user when sitting at home or when he is away without being dependant on any installer. The igh apps don't only allow controlling the electricity load but also can show the accumulative electricity load on daily, weekly and yearly charts.


A reliable system

With the igh technology there is no net or mesh of any sort, no central command center, the igh System is not dependant on any single component. Every Smart Switch is independent and works autonomously.

The igh System has all the required certifications and has passed all regulations.

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